the construkction of light
(PCCY-01455`CD 2000)

the construkction of light

the construkction of light Jacket Front

the construkction of light Jacket Back

the construkction of light CD

the construkction of light Case
the construkction of light Inner 1
the construkction of light Inner 2
the construkction of light Inner 3
the construkction of light Inner 4
the construkction of light inner 5

the construkction of light Inner 6


Adrian Belew : guitar and vocals
Robert Fripp : guitar
Trey Gunn : bass touch guitar, baritone guitar
Pat Mastelotto : drumming

1: ProzaKc Blues
2-3: The ConstruKction of Light
4: Into the Frying Pan
5: FraKctured
6: The World's My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum
7-9: Larks' tongues in Aspic - part IV
10: Coda: I Have a Dream
ProjeKct X
11: Heaven And Earth

Produced by King Crimson

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