a touch of fullmoon show in the night

(JOY RIDE Records JOY-0001+0002 2000)

MOONRIDERS a touch of fullmoon show in the night OBI

MOONRIDERS a touch of fullmoon show in the night Jacket Front MOONRIDERS a touch of fullmoon show in the night Jacket Back

MOONRIDERS a touch of fullmoon show in the night CD-1 MOONRIDERS a touch of fullmoon show in the night CD-2

MOONRIDERS a touch of fullmoon show in the night Inner Back

MOONRIDERS a touch of fullmoon show in the night Photo 1
MOONRIDERS a touch of fullmoon show in the night Photo 2
MOONRIDERS a touch of fullmoon show in the night Photo 3
MOONRIDERS a touch of fullmoon show in the night Photo 4
MOONRIDERS a touch of fullmoon show in the night Photo 5
MOONRIDERS a touch of fullmoon show in the night Photo 6


  1. あの娘のラブレター
  2. 紅いの翼
  3. ジェラシー
  4. スイマー
  6. 彼女に知っている二,三の事柄
  7. Kのトランク
  8. 僕はスーパーフライ
  9. Y.B.J
  10. 悲しい知らせ
  11. CLINKA
  12. Who's gonna cry ?
  13. 幸せの洪水の前で
  14. 帰還〜ただいま


  1. Sparkling Gentlemen
  2. 工場と微笑み
  3. 青空のマリー
  4. いとこ同士
  5. Who's gonna die first ?〜真夜中の玉子〜渋谷狩猟日記
  6. スカーレットの誓い〜Domn! moonriders
  7. 黒いシェパード
  8. Acid moonlight


  1. スカンピン
  2. Elephant
  3. HAPPY/BLUE '96
  4. くれない埠頭

Produced by moonriders


Keiichi Suzuki: Vocal, Guitars, Keyboards
Tohru Okada: Keyboards
Tetsuroh Kashibuchi: Drums, Keyboards, Percussions
Masahiro Takekawa: Violin, Trumpet, Vocal, Percussions, Mandolin
Ryohmei Shirai: Guitars, Vocal
Hirobumi Suzuki: Bass, Vocal

Synthesizer Operation: Takazumi Kunitomo
Fullmoon Quartet: Masashi Abe, Yoshihiko Sakaeda,
Mari Okamoto, Jun Yamamoto
Siesta: Jun Takahashi, Akane Yamaguchi

Recorded by Jin Terada
Recorded at Hibiya Yagai Ongakudoh on 2th June 1996

Mixed by Yohichi Takezawa(Power Sound)
Assistant Engineer : Tatuyoshi Fujii(Vox Recorders)
Mixed at Vox Recorders on May 2000

Mastered by Tohru Kotetsu at JVC Mastering Center on 10th, 11th July 2000

To Musical Box