Six Musicians on their way to the last exit

(JOY RIDE Records JOY-0003 2000)

MOONRIDERS Six Musicians on their way to the last exit Obi

MOONRIDERS Six Musicians on their way to the last exit Jacket Front

MOONRIDERS Six Musicians on their way to the last exit Jacket Back

MOONRIDERS Six Musicians on their way to the last exit Jacket Inner

MOONRIDERS Six Musicians on their way to the last exit Paper

  1. the last picnic at hanging rock
    :All performed, programmed and engineered by Tohru Okada
    :Recorded at amor STUDIO
  2. ブリキの靴
    :All performed, programmed and engineered by Tetsuroh Kashibuchi
    :Recorded at Christo Haus
  3. あっ! 何か聴こえる
    :All performed, programmed and engineered by Ryomei Shirai
    :Recorded at "スタジオ ポチョムキン"
  4. Public Cemetery
    :All performed, programmed and engineered by Keiichi Suzuki
    :Recorded at awful environmental private Home studio
  5. アイスなぼくとアイアンなきみ
    :All programmed and engineered by Hirobumi Suzuki
    :Recorded at Wangan Studio
  6. 楽しいとうれしい
    :All performed and engineered by Masahiro Takekawa
    :Recorded at GONGORO studio
  7. Kのトランク
    :performed by moonriders
    :Recorded by Yohichi Takizawa at Shibuya Club Quattro
    on 12th Oct. 1999.
    :Mixed by Shinichi Akagawa at Consipio Studio
    on 9th Nov. 2000.

    :Masterd by Yuka Koizumi at Orange on 13th Nov.

Produced by moonriders

Keiichi Suzuki
Tohru Okada
Tetsuroh Kashibuchi
Masahiro Takekawa
Ryohmei Shirai
Hirobumi Suzuki

To Musical Box