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Service Name Rate Limitation Level
AllAdvantage $.50/hour 25hour/month 5
AllCommunity $.50/hour 40hour/month 4
BannerUnion 40% of income nothing 3
BlueTree $1.50/hour 50hour/month 7
CashSurfers not decided yet nothing 4
CoolAgent not decided yet nothing 4


$1.25/hour 50hour/month 7
ClickDough 50% of income nothing 8
DesktopDollars $.50/hour nothing 6
DesktopHorizon 50DHCDs/hour 60hour/month 5
Dollar-Web $.60/hour nothing 1
DotAD 75% of income nothing 6
ePilot   nothing 3
ePIPO $.60/hour 50hour/month 5
ExtraSalary $.50/hour 40hour/month 5
FreeJoin 60% of income nothing 3
GetPaid4 $.50/hour 75hour/month 7
GoToWorld(JP) $.40/hour 40hour/month 3
Ignifuge $.50/10visit 300 visit 4
itadsup $.50/hour 60hour/month 5
Making-Cash $.40/hour not decided yet -
mValue $.50/hour 10hour/month 3
oneSRC 80% of income nothing 6
PaidForSurf $.40/hour nothing 5
PayBar $.50/hour 15000 4
PaysU $.50/hour 25hours 5
PointClick   hours  
PrizeWindow $.25-.80/1,000ads 20000ads/month 2
sharkhunt 25p/hour GBP20/month 4
Spedia $.50/hour nothing 1
Surf2Web AU$.01/minute nothing 1
SurfAd 40% of income nothing 5
Surfing2Cash $.60/hour 40hour/month 4-6
SurfingPrizes $.20/hour nothing 6
SurfMiles 30p/hour 60hour/month 5
UniversalScience not decided yet 120hour/month 8
Urge2Net $1.00/hour $50/month 5
UtopiAD 40% of income nothing 4
ValuePay $.90/hour $50/month 5
ViewDot $.55/hour 25hour/month 2
VIPBenefits $.60/hour 15hour/month 3
Service Name Rate Limitation Level
AllCommunity(YesMail) $.03/mail nothing 3
ExtraSalary $.03/mail nothing 3
Nightmail 10p/mail nothing 2
SendMoreInfo $.05/mail nothing 1
Spedia 5-10p/mail nothing 1
TheMail $0.0005/mail nothing 16
Total E-mail 10% of income nothing 5
UtopiAD $.03/mail nothing 4
YoYoMail $.05/mail nothing 2
ZosMail $.05-$.50/mail nothing 1
Service Name Rate Limitation Level
RadioFreeCash $.20/hour 100hour/month 4
Service Name Rate Limitation Level

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